I’ve always thought I’m a hard worker, but now I think I’m really not.

When I’m working (contracting, FB, side project), I keep a timelog in Harvest. I don’t include time spent reading work/text books. I started this process as a contractor, but kept doing it for other work too.

Two days ago, I looked at my hours worked by project over the past four years.

Yearly Worklog

I started the practice mid-way through 2016, so that data is incomplete. The rest are accurate. Each row in the year represents a different project.







That’s not very much work! Since 2017, that’s a mean average of 2021.665 hours. Basically the US average.

It’s presumptuous of me that I think I can reach outsized success by working the same as everybody else. I need to increase these hours greatly.


In 2021, I hope to do the Bradfield CSI program. It’s basically a remote, unaccredited Computer Science Master’s program. I hear back about my application sometime between 1/15 and 1/25.

If accepted, it will add an additional 15-20 hour / week workload for me. If I maintain 40 hours per week at FB and hit the middle of that range for Bradfield, I should work 2,910 hours in 2021 between the two.

To be on the conservative side, my goal is to hit 2,800 hours in 2021. That’s still a 40% jump from any year in my life before, which is huge. It’s a stretch goal.